Every Day Golf Jargon Used By Millions of Golfers Worldwide

What about Golf Jargon? When discussing the vast volume of Golf Terminology definitions, you will find that there are “Golf Jargon” words that many golfers use in their everyday playing of the game.

We have collected a few of the more common (censored) words used in the “Golfing World” of today.

We hope you find these Golf Terms interesting and fun!

(This glossary of Jargon Terms is not all-inclusive, and is aimed primarily at the beginner and weekend golfer levels.

Words which are italicized in green are also defined elsewhere in this Golf Glossary)

NOTE: All Terms Assume a Right-Handed Player

Golf Jargon H:


Hacker: The derogatory term, “Hacker” is a Golf Jargon term for an “inexperienced” or mediocre golfer. Another term similarly used is a “Duffer“! When using the term “Hacker”, it is generally meant as an insult, and therefore harsher and more critical than “Duffer”.

Hand Wedge: The term “Hand wedge” is jargon term for a way to assist a golfer in cheating his way out of trouble! It is where the golfer uses his “hand” to nudge the ball into a better lie.

Hanging: A term denoting a “Lie” when the ball is located above the player’s feet.

Hooding the Club: The term “Hooding the Club” refers to a golfer who wants the ball to have a much lower trajectory with greater distance. The player tilts the club head forward to reduce the club’s loft, and moves the hands ahead of the ball before initiating the golf swing.

Hosel Rocket: When golfers use the Golf Jargon words “Hosel Rocket“, they are referring to a golf shot that takes off straight like a rocket and severely to the right. The shot is a “shank” which means the point of impact with the ball was directly on the “Hosel” of the club.

Hot: The Golf Jargon term “Hot” denotes a low-trajectory, high rate of speed golf shot with little backspin.

Hung it out: When a golfer attempts to hit a draw but instead hits a straight shot, he is said to have “Hung It Out“.

The Golf Jargon term ball in one refers to a hit on the first try

Golf Jargon I:


Iffy lie: The term “Iffy Lie” is referring to a ball that is in a poor lie, and is questionable as to whether the ball can be struck well for a good golf shot.

In his bag: A golf term meaning that a golfer has a “Go-To-shot” capability under certain circumstances with a particular club. The golfer considers this shot “In His Bag“. Maybe we should say in his bag of “Tricks”!

In the Leather: The Golf Slang phrase “In the Leather” is denoting that a putted ball is close enough to the hole to be conceded by the other players. That distance from the Hole, is the length between the “Hosel” of the club head and the beginning of the hand grip on the end of the Putter.


Golf Jargon J:


Jaws: When a player says “He left it right in the jaws“, he means his Putt stopped just short of falling in the “Cup”. That yearning chasm between the final resting place of the ball and the Hole can sometimes be devastating to a player when high stakes are involved.

Jerk: The Golf Jargon term “Jerk” is expressed when a golfer who pulls a Putt left of his intended line or “Jerks” the golf shot left of the target.

Juicy lie: A term indicating that the “Lie” of the ball in the “Rough” is sitting on top of the grass (almost as if it is mounted on a short Tee) and offers an opportunity for a nice clean hit.

Jungle: In Golf Language terms, “Jungle” is referring to a ball hit into the deepest and rough area on the golf course.

Golf Jargon K:


Kick: When a golfer asks for a good “Kick“, they are hoping for a positive “Bounce” of the ball into a good position for the next golf shot.

Kill: To “Kill” the ball is a term expressed when a player “Murders” or “Hits” the ball with great force.

Kitty Litter: The term “Kitty litter” is referring to a sand bunker. Also known as a “Cat Box“.

Knee-knocker: The Golf Jargon term “Knee-Knocker” is denoting a nervous reaction of the golfer when they have a short putt (3 to 4 feet) remaining for the next Putt.

Knife: The “Knife” is known otherwise as the “One Iron“, probably the most difficult club in the bag to hit properly on a consistent basis. Usually, only Pro Golfers have this club in their bag.

Knockdown: The “Knockdown” golf shot is executed when a low-trajectory is required, like hitting from the rough and having to clear low-hanging branches. Normally the ball is positioned towards the back foot, and an abbreviated follow-through is utilized.

Many times a low-lofted club such as a 3-Iron or even the Driver is used on occasion for this type of shot.

K P: The Golf Term “K P” is a commonly used abbreviation for “closest to the pin. Really, the abbreviation should be “C P”! But what do I know?


Golf Jargon L:


Lag: The term “Lag” denotes the occasion when a player has a very long Putt to the Hole, and is hoping to get the ball within “Tap-In” range (1-2 feet). Actually, I think a player should believe they can make even the longest Putt, rather than to just “Get-It-Close“!

Launched: A Golf Term commonly used while driving off the tee; the golfer “Kills” the ball with a smash that causes it to take off like a “Cruise Missile“.

Lay up: To “Lay Up” is a term applied when it is much safer to hit a drive or fairway shot short of the Green, because trying to reach the Green could be a risky shot. (Like when there is a sandtrap or creek running near the front of the Green).

Lip out: Within Golfing Terms, “Lip Out” is used when a Putt hits the “Lip” of the Cup, and “spins out“.

Loop: “Loop” is a term referring to one 18-Hole circuit around the Golf Course. The term is commonly used by a Club Caddy to indicate the number of “Rounds” they worked on any given day. Caddying is occasionally called “looping”.

Looping: The term “Looping” is another term denoting “Caddying”. To perform a “Loop” is a slang term referring to one 18-Hole circuit around the Golf Course.

Lumberjack: When a golfer hits a ball into the woods among the trees several times during a round, and particularly when they continue to hit more trees trying to escape the wooded area, they are considered a “Lumberjack“.

Golf Jargon M:


Mickey Mouse course: Within Golf Glossary terms, “Mickey Mouse Course” is usually associated with a course with numerous short holes, poor maintenance, and a bad example of a Golf Course.

Milk the Grip: “Milk the Grip” is a description of an action resembling the “Milking of a Cow” as applied to repeatedly tightening and loosening the hand grip on the club prior to executing the Swing. The golfer is trying to get just the right grip pressure.

Mouth Wedge: Sometimes amateur golfers will try to gain an edge by intentionally needling or annoying other players in their group with excessive talking that will affect the other players play. That golfer will earn the “Tag” of Mr. “Mouth Wedge“.

Muff: A Golf Terms associated with a “Mishit” or a “Flubbed” golf shot.

Mulligan: The term “Mulligan” is referring to a second shot from the Tee, after a poor first shot. These shots are also known as a “Do-Over“. These 2nd shots are not legal in tournament play. Sometimes amateur players will agree before hand to have one Mulligan per each nine holes on a Tee shot.

We hope you have enjoyed reviewing the above (censored) Golfing Terms about “Jargon” used in everyday Golf Language heard on all golf courses in the World!

Golf Terms are unique and interesting, and we want you to appreciate them.

Thanks again for Visiting Us!
